Tools - Parameter Renaming

Parameter Renaming Tool

Giving you system-wide control over plan rule configuration.

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Oracle Pension Implementation Services

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Parameter Renaming

As described in earlier utility sections, business rule parameters are the building blocks of a complete PeopleSoft Pension Administration Implementation. The naming of the parameters is a critical component of system support and maintenance. It is a good development practice to use standardized naming conventions, but in practice, some standards get away from the developer or they can be sidestepped due to duplication, character constraints or an effort to create meaningful names.
However you get to this point, any software implementation ends up with parameters that you would prefer had different names. And like any software implementation, changing names of components could have far reaching effects that you are not willing to risk. Those risks are eliminated with our Parameter Renaming Tool.
The Parameter Renaming Tool allows you to analyze where a parameter is used or called by other software elements and it allows you to change those references consistently. When you end up with three aliases referring to the exact same elements, you know you should clean them up to one properly named alias, and now you can do that with confidence.
If you are unsure why clean and consistent parameter naming practices are important, please contact us for more information. We would love to discuss how poor naming and sloppy parameter usage can drive ownership costs at maintenance, support and upgrade efforts.

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